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New Site! Now a colorized cli/shell site!


It came very closse to overcome the 2048 time waster, you blink once and one hour is gone.

Kris has done a video about ANSI colors and effects on the POSIX shell, some time ago. So i did a version of my site (only the index.html) in which you dont neew a web browser. Only write this command:

curl -L

Using ansi2html, i made a html version of it:

Now all i need to do is to figure it out how to do it in on single URL, that then will redirect you respectively. For example, the single URL can be requested from a WebBrowser and a tool like curl. But in my case there is the file cli and cli.html.

Mar, 10 Gsh 2021 12:13:07 +0200

New domain


Since a few weeks a had the new domain,, the old domains are still up of course, so the RSS will still work.

I got the domain name from Freenom, since they are for free, and even if it weren't i wanted that .ga. they have other tld.

I did strugle getting one though, it turned out if they dont "like" your ip, you wont get one. So i had to use a vpn to open an account, and only then i was able to get it.

Die, 17 Jan 2021 22:57:33 +0100

First bloatpost


Im (probabily) very rarely gonna post, but this is just a statement for the normies using social-media.

This is the independent way, the way it was meant to be, to use the www.

Btw, this blog system was 100% copied from luke's blog: "lb"

Die, 27 Dhj 2020 21:56:16 +0100